Coaching for Female Employees

What does individual coaching mean?

The term “coaching” has become more and more widespread in the last years.

Here, we will take coaching to mean an individual advising process, during which we focus on the topics of career path development and career planning.

Coaching is goal-, solution-, and resource-oriented and serves to increase and promote self-awareness and the ability to take care of oneself. The person being coached is the focus, they choose their own topics, and once the individual goal is determined, the coach helps achieve their goal – process-oriented and without prepackaged solutions, but rather supportive, so the coachee can work on their concerns, and can strengthen their competencies and abilities.

Why choose individual coaching?

Individual coaching can – among other things – give you the chance to

  • Become aware of (hidden) career desires, goals, and possibilities
  • Identify career chances and figure out how to go about achieving them
  • Structure and position oneself (for example, when taking over new tasks or a leadership position)

Individual coaching is voluntary and based on trust and discretion


Event type/Scope:
4 sessions, 90 minutes each (2-3 weeks between sessions)

Target group:
Female employees from the research-supporting sector

Signing up is done individually, spots are available according to the current capacity