Faculty Equality Commissioners

According to § 4 (8) of the Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act, the Faculty Equality Commissioners carry out comparatively equal tasks to the Senate’s Equality Commissioner on the faculty level. Their working area encompasses all of the faculty tasks as listed in § 86 (2) of the Higher Education Act.

The Faculty Equality Commissioner takes part in all personnel, social, and organizational measures affecting the faculty’s female employees (§ 4  (8) Higher Education Act).

According to § 4 (5) Higher Education Act, in order to be able to carry out the tasks named above:

  • she is to be informed in a timely manner;
  • she has the right to take and submit statements on decisions and has the right to play an advisory role in board meetings. She has the rights of speech and petition in meetings. Her positions are to be added to meeting documents.
  • A decision made against her position must be reviewed upon her application and decided again (§ 4 (9) of the Higher Education Act).

If she submits the relevant application, she can be partially exempted from her tasks (§ 4 (8) of the Higher Education Act).

Information on the Selection of the Faculties’/ Art Academy’s Equality Commissioners.

Further information on tasks, capacities, and rules on becoming involved in staffing and personnel development, for example, can be found in the master plan for the promotion of women (Rahmenplan zur Frauenförderung), the basic rules (Grundordnung), as well as in the guide to filling professorships (Leitfaden zur Besetzung von Professuren, all links in German). The Senate’s form on how the Equality Commissioner can take a position on suggestions for filling professorships can be downloaded here .

Current overview of the Faculty Equality Commissioners.


The main Equality Commissioner advises the faculties’ Equality Commissioners and informs them of current topics regarding the promotion of women and equality within and outside the university. The non-central Equality Commissioners are invited as guests for the public part of the Equality Committee.

The representatives offer advising on topics such as appointment procedures, position-taking, or conflict cases. Furthermore, they refer to other contact persons and institutions within and outside the university.