
Antidiscrimination Counseling

If you are a member of JGU and you are looking for...

  • advice and help because you have experienced discrimination at the university
  • information on possibilities for action
  • options for reporting discrimination you observed,

we offer ...

  • qualified counseling in a confidential setting in cases of discrimination
  • counseling that places your needs in the foreground
  • support for finding solutions

What is discrimination?
Did you experience or witness something on JGU’s campus which you cannot exactly categorize but which feels like discrimination? Do you have questions you cannot answer about the incident? Did it leave you feeling uneasy? If you would like to talk about it or make a report, contact JGU’s Antidiscrimination Office for professional support.

By discrimination we mean forms of less favorable treatment based on a characteristic protected under the AGG (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz/General Equal Treatment Law), and disparagement, harassment, or stigmatization based on these actual or presumed characteristics. The decisive factor for an incident to be classified as discrimination is the result, not the motive. Discrimination can be both direct and indirect and can manifest in different ways.
In general, it is discrimination when unequal treatment occurs under equal conditions. For example, when students are denied participation because of the color of their skin.
However, it is also discrimination when equal treatment occurs under unequal conditions.

How can you reach us?
Our qualified counseling services respond promptly and are close to campus. Our premises are accessible. Contact can also be made anonymously.

There are different ways to get in touch:

  • Initial contact by telephone; if necessary, initial telephone counseling
  • Written contact via e-mail
  • Counseling via MS Teams/Skype
  • Personal conversation

You can use all of the above options for getting in touch in order to

  • report discrimination
  • ask questions and receive information in either initial or referral counseling
  • make initial contact with individual counseling requests

You can reach us by e-mail at