Gender Neutral Language

“Language is a product of historical and social phenomena and therefore represents the production and reproduction of social relationships.”*

There are many ways to ensure inclusive and gender neutral language and you can find examples under the related links. We are also happy to advise you at the Equality and Diversity Office.

The JGU is also committed to the implementation of gender neutral language. According to the university’s constitution and the Plan for Equal Treatment:


Constitution: Section 40 – Gender Neutral Language in the University

The mandate of section 2 para. 2 of the HochSchG to promote the implementation of equal rights for women and men shall be done through gender neutral language. This will be carried out in accordance with the principles laid out in the administrative regulation issued by the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Family, and Women, the Ministry of the Interior and Sports, and the Ministry of Justice, in the current version.

Administrative Regulation of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Family, and Women, the Ministry of the Interior and Sports, and the Ministry of Justice, issued July 5, 1995 [DE](Official Joint Statement of the Ministries of Education, Science and Continuing Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Family, and Women from October 5, 1995)


Plan for the Advancement of Women: Section 14 – Gender Neutral Language

(1) Either gender neutral designations, formulations, and sentence structures or both feminine and masculine linguistic forms are to be used in all general correspondence, regulations, and statutes, as well as legal and administrative regulations of the University (cf. Administrative Regulation of the MKJFF, issued July 5, 1995, Ministerialblatt der Landesregierung of RLP, No. 8, 1995: Geschlechtergerechte Amts- und Rechtssprache).

(2) University degrees awarded to women upon passing a university examination or obtaining a doctorate must use the feminine linguistic form, unless the masculine linguistic form is expressly requested (section 28 para. 5 UG). This also applies to certificates, attestations, etc.


*"Sprache ist ein Produkt historisch-gesellschaftlicher Phänomene, also stellt sie auch Produktion und Reproduktion gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse dar." Citation from"Geschlechtergerecht in Sprache und Bild", Johannes Kepler University Linz [Gender Neutral in Language in Speech and Picture] pg. 3.