Network Meeting
The network meetings offer the chance to informally meet other female academics and are defined and carried out by the participants themselves.
Please send us an e-mail if you would like to sign up or be added to the mailing list.
Lecturer: Dr. Nadja Helal,
Contract Teacher EBS, Director Network Steering Hub Frankfurt Lufthansa
Unfortunately, if there are not enough participants, the network meeting must be cancelled on short notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Who are we?
A group of women (doctoral students, young researchers, managers) from different faculties of the natural sciences and the humanities, who desire to offer their experiences in science and the economy.
What are our topics?
- Mutual support in planning careers
- Self-marketing
- Methodic and collegial advice on specific professional situations, decisions, and problems
- Interdisciplinary exchange
- Connecting science and practical applications, intramurally and extramurally
What’s important to us?
- Enjoying the informal exchange
- The readiness to be active within the group and to therefore influence the future of the network meetings, offer own skills.